Hot Dogs on a Tricycle
Released May 2019
10 minutes
Ed Kashi
Francisco Alcala
Carolyn Goldman
Alejandra Alcala
Marcos del Villar

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people flee the violence in the Northern Triangle countries. When families first arrive in Mexico to seek safety, they are faced with many challenges. Among them, their lack of access to basic rights. This film portrays the story of Mario, a 17 year old El Salvadorian boy, who after an extremely difficult and exhausting journey to fight for his dignity, was able to rebuild his life after successfully obtaining the refugee status in Mexico.
In Support of
Asylum Access
Film’s Impact Goal
Watch film
To scale refugee legal empowerment programs

Interested in hosting a screening?
Whether it be at home with your family and friends or with your colleagues at your workplace, hosting a screening is a great way to create impact and initiate important conversations. You can even create a fundraising screening to support the organization that helped Mario!

May 2019 — Present
For every $1 invested in Hot Dogs on a Tricycle's production, Asylum Access received $4
Amount generated in donations for Asylum Access by people who watched the film
Companies that joined Asylum Access' Hospitality Route Program
Number of refugee families Hot Dogs on a Tricycle has helped in finding safety and accessing their rights.
Amount generated in donations
for Asylum Access by people who watched the film
Companies that joined Asylum Access' Hospitality Route Program
For every $1 invested in Hot Dogs on a Tricycle's production, Asylum Access received $4
1:4 ratio
Number of refugee families Hot Dogs on a Tricycle has helped in finding safety and accessing
their rights.
ROI Ratio
Since the release of the film in May 2019, the impact produced has been achieved through a few events and digital communications. Asylum Access is preparing a campaign which will escalate the film’s impact and continue to make human rights a reality for refugees.
The film also helped to initiate conversation in Asylum Access about the importance and power of communication, especially visual communication, as well as the importance of putting the human stories of their clients at the center of how they present themselves.
About the Solution
Asylum Access
Asylum Access is a US-based nonprofit organization that empowers refugees to become their own champions by giving refugees the tools to advocate for themselves and by encouraging host governments to expand refugees’ rights and opportunities. Asylum Access uses a human rights-based approach to help refugees rebuild in Mexico. Using combined efforts in legal empowerment, government capacity building, and private and social sector partnerships, Asylum Access improves access to and quality of asylum for thousands of refugees in Mexico.
The Hospitality Route, launched in 2016, creates human connections among refugees and all sectors of society that harness refugees’ talent and potential to enrich their host communities. The Hospitality Route’s online platform links individual clients to professional, economic, social and cultural opportunities offered by partners. These connections transform isolated efforts in welcoming refugees into a unified national network of organizations and institutions committed to including refugees in all aspects of society.
Take Action
There are several ways to get involved to make the solution bigger! Feel free to chose which ever option best suits you.
Host a Screening

Gather your family, friends or colleagues and watch the film together.
Social Media Buzz

Share about the film on social media and remember to tag: @homestorytellers,
Donate Today

A donation to any one of the organizations involved will contribute to refugee empowerment and self-reliance.